Wednesday, December 29, 2010

The List...

2010 was an eventful year, with ups and downs. I have learned a great deal and have become a stronger person. One thing 2011 is sure to bring...another decade to my life. I am not where I thought I would be, but the time has come to close that book and start a new one. That being said, the list was born...30 Things to do before 30! My mission: List 30 things I would like to do, experience, and change before my 30th birthday. The Rules: The list began on December 25th and was completed by midnight on the first day of the year. All the tasks of the list must be marked off by midnight on May 1st, my 30th Birthday. The list is not about how many places I can visit or how much I can spend. It is a "soul building" challenge to myself. Each item on the list means something to me and may be completed in a broad manner, but never the less, will be completed. So here is the list...

  1. Be-friend a stranger
  2. Re-connect with old friends
  3. Make new friends
  4. Go out on my own
  5. Read to Brylee
  6. Leave the past behind
  7. Go back to church
  8. Visit Nana more
  9. Get rid of what I don't need
  10. Take a road trip
  11. See something beautiful
  12. Learn something new
  13. Take pictures
  14. Make a new playlist
  15. Do something kind for someone I don't know
  16. Eat sushi
  17. Plan a date with myself
  18. Drive a really cool car
  19. Send something I have written for publication
  20. Do something I am afraid of
  21. Visit a state I have never been to
  22. Go to a casino
  23. Apologize to someone from my past
  24. Trim the fat
  25. Do something I would rarely do
  26. Stand in the grass
  27. Complete this list
  28. Save mementos of this journey
  29. Hit the re-start button
  30. Fall in love (remember this is broad and could mean a lot of things, so don't everyone start freaking out!)
Let the games begin!

God's Plan

When it is happening, we rarely see God's plan. It's after the plan comes together that we see what He wanted for us. One hour before school released for Christmas break, I signed a full-time teacher contract. God's plan has been for me to be at this school, with these students, and these teachers. He had a place for me and was waiting for that door to open.